
Health from the natura

Bees are symbol of hard work, energy, power and creativity. Therefore, honey, as the absolute collusion between plant and animal life, would not provide anything else but an energetic and creative longevity.

According tο the conducted scientific studies, there is significant evidence that honey is good for many diseases and has therapeutic capacities for health.


  • The sugars contained in honey are simple and can be directly absorbed, thus honey is a quick energy source for the body of athletes, children, pregnant women, diseased and any harassed organism whatsoever.
  • It is antiseptic and antibacterial thanks to the hydrogen peroxide it contains, its acidity and high concentration of sugars.
  • It helps to heal ulcers, stops bleeding in wounds and injuries and provides asepsis.
  • Thanks to its antibiotic and alkaline qualities it helps to mouth disinfection and can be used as antioxidant.
  • Honey helps to the decongestion of the respiratory tracts through expectoration as well as aspiration of honey solution vapors. It helps to the rehabilitation of the throat and nasolarynx pituitary glands and decreases convulsive cough.
  • Honey benefits the respiratory system in general, but is also wholesome for colds. It is comforting for symptoms of high fever and relieves sore throat. Medicine practice recipes for the treatment of colds are honey with lemon juice or syrup made of celery and honey in a proportion 1:1.
  • The constant consumption of honey by people suffering from cardiac disorders results to improvement of their condition. This happens as a result of the glycogen stored to the cardiac muscles.
  • Moreover, honey, with its sugars and acetylcholine, helps to blood vessels’ dilation and decreases hypertension.
  • The amount of hemoglobin increases by the consumption of honey, mainly due to the ferrum and cuprum contained in it. The consumption of honey to the daily nutrition of old people contributes to the prevention of problems due to senile anemia.
  • Honey has minerals known as trace elements, which have a significant role to metabolism and nourishment, constitute components of the skeleton and the cells and are part of several enzyme systems.
  • Honey serves as a supplement for liver glycogen reserves. The liver is the factory of our body, where useful substances for it are compound and others, dangerous substances, such as toxins, are decayed. The presence of glycogen enhances this activity and increases resistance of the organism against infections.
  • Honey helps substantially to the quicker metabolism of alcohol and as a result someone may recover faster from drunkenness, especially when it is combined with lemon juice.
  • Honey has a high content of choline, which is very helpful to people, who, due to sedentary work, suffer from constipation. It helps to the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, is quite laxative, enhances gastric juices’ quality and, therefore, is good for digestion and food absorption. It helps to the treatment of gastroenteritis, gastric ulcer, and controls stomach acidity. It is suggested not to feed infants with honey, either unaltered, or combined with milk, before their first year, so as their intestinal flora has been totally formed.
  • It has an enhancing and bracing effect for kidneys. It presents diuretic properties and contributes to faster ejection of useless substances from blood. Its antiseptic and antibacterial features protect the bladder from infections.
  • Honey is considered relieving, optimizes nervous system disorders and ensures good sleep. A recipe of medicine practice against insomnia is the following: solution of a spoon of honey in a glass of warm (not hot) water.
  • Honey unlike sugar has lower glycemic index. The lower the glycemic index of a food, the better it can be absorbed, causing a more gentle emission of insulin and protecting from rapid “changes” of sugar in blood.
  • Honey may be used for 2 further important therapeutic aims:
  • It may highly absorb several substances from the environment, therefore it may be used for lymphatic massage on the back of a patient for detoxification. During the massage honey absorbs toxins from the patient’s body and changes color.
  • It may be used as carrier for essential oils of healing plants, since it restrains those in its mass and releases them gradually through metabolism into the human body. Some honey varieties can be combined with different essential oils and other bee products to treat several diseases.


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"Real Honey From Delphi"

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